YMCA is the largest and the oldest organization working with young people in the world. Across Romania there are now 8 local YMCAs.
They are thriving and active communities that are transforming lives.
We focus on young people and help them play an active and fulfilling role within their communities. We call this a youth minded community approach.
We provide a wide array of community based activities and programs to help meet local needs wherever we are based.
Youth empowerment is what we stand for as part of a global movement. It is the vehicle to broaden our impact and visibility, and it calls us to have young people play a direct role in leadership of our movement and in our communities.
The core values of YMCA Romania
When you join the YMCA, you join a community organization that offers a safe and inclusive space, more education, more health, more hope, more opportunity. You are part of something more.
YOU are more, YOU can be more. YOU are not alone.
The YMCA. We believe in young people
Latest news
Something Fresh – training course in Nederland
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YMCA Afterschool Program 2024-2025
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S-a tras cortina la Tabăra HarmonY 3.0. Ne vedem în 2025!
Tabăra HarmonY 3.0 organizată de Federația YMCA Romania în parteneriat cu YMCA Ucraina, YMCA Moldova (Republica Moldova) și Societatea Națională de Cruce Roșie Română - Filiala Maramureș, a luat sfârșit. Pe parcursul taberei cei 50 [...]
I Love YMCA because…
There I can be myself, it is my second home.
It is a family for everyone.
Y is music, is dance, is air, is fire, is a smile, a hand, a heart. And I am YMCA.
YMCA knows how to respect me and taught me how should I also do it
Here I become aware that teamwork can bring up the best in someone
Makes me feel more confident safer and empowered
Every project done there helped me know myself better
Brought me closer to become a complete man, teaching me what the YMCA spirit is
I have met awesome people from whom I have leant to trust and love myself and others
I enjoy and learn a lot from the trainings and youth exchanges organized by YMCA
Helped me to grow as person, gave me the chance to help others and learn from them
I can support my community through the activities and programs of the YMCA
Makes the world feel as warm as the sun
Here is the place where I developed my skills and knowledge, become open and self confident
Empowered me to take the path to who I am today
Here I learn new things, meet new people and I am between friends.
Brings us together and it never gets old
It fills my free time with joy and happiness and it teaches me how to be a better version of myself
Together we have travelled the world and discovered “me”
It is different. Because of the people. Because of TenSing.
It is a life changing experience
Here I am safe and surrounded by people that don`t judge
It is personal and social development, it is the greatness of the ordinary people.
Of the happiness shown in our eyes when we meet
Promotes peace, friendship, care, cooperation, honesty, love
It gave me the chance to experiment and go beyond my limits
It is the reason of my amazing 1 year in Romania
I can help a lot of people from different backgrounds
It is among few place where I was accepted as I am, without being judged.
Of its values which are guidelines for my life