10 05, 2011

“Europe, our home” – YMCA guest of honor

May 10th, 2011|Categories: Events|

Chelgate launches on behalf of the European Commission representation in Romania, information campaign “Europe, our home “ an initiative to transpose the European Commission's communication priorities in school, in various forms of education (primary, secondary, high school). Thursday, May 5, 2011, the campaign "Europe, our home" came to Tăuţii Măgheruş in Maramures county. YMCA organization [...]

9 05, 2011

9-15 May 2011 the National Volunteer Week.

May 9th, 2011|Categories: Events|

What do you know about volunteering? First, volunteering is the easiest activity you can do. Volunteering means you dedicate some of your time to other activities, without being paid for what you do. Instead, you will feel rewarded with the feeling of satisfaction of time and efforts that you have made. Volunteering is a good [...]

1 05, 2011

Newsletter January – April 2011

May 1st, 2011|Categories: Events|

YMCA Romania Federation  compressed its activities from this  four months in a newsletter. Please click here to view the newsletter! http://issuu.com/ymcabm/docs/pdf_newsletter_january-april_2011