On 11th November 2011 YMCA Baia Mare and YMCA Romania had the great pleasure to host the meeting held in the Millennium Business Centre, where the guests from Y’s Men International Mr. Carlsen and Mr. Erling Gunnar Larsen from Denmark presented the principles criteria and objectives of Y’s Men Club. This initiative was supported since the beginning , spring 2011 by YMCA Europe, representatives of it being present both in spring meeting and also this one.
The aim of the meeting was to introduce these principles and objectives to establishment also in Baia Mare a Y’s Men Club. This meeting was attended by people from the NGO and the educational institutions, legal, economic, business men, all interested in the existence of such a club in their city.
Y’s Men International is a club founded by Judge Paul William Alexander in 1922, Toledo, Ohio, USA. It was originally established to support a local YMCA, but over time has grown over 1500 clubs now operating in 70 countries and has over 30,000 members. They further supports YMCA Association, the second youth organization in the world and serves the community in which it operates.
The meeting was a success, the guests were impressed about the number of people from Baia Mare willing to be part of such club, a club in which any activity is welcome, as long as it serves the community and the people from it, YMCA supporting and facilitating the creation of a Y’s Men club in Baia Mare.
In data de 11 noiembrie 2011 YMCA Baia Mare si YMCA Romania au avut o deosebita placere sa gazduiasca intalnirea desfasurata in cladirea Millennium , intalnire la care invitatii de seama Y’s Men International Mr. Gunnar Carlsen si Mr. Erling Larsen din Danemarca au prezentat principiile, criteriile si obiectivele clubului Y’s Men. Aceasta initiativa a fost sprijinita inca de la inceput de catre YMCA Europe, reprezentati ai acestia fiind prezenti atat in primavara 2011 cat si la aceasta intalnire.
Acest meeting a avut ca obiectiv introducerea acestor principii si obiective prin dorinta infiintarii unui astfel de club si in orasul Baia Mare. La aceasta intalnire au participat atat persoane din cadrul ONG, cat si din partea institutiilor de invatamant, juridice, economice, oameni de afaceri interesati de existenta unui astfel de club in orasul lor.
Y’s Men International este un club fondat de catre judge Paul William Alexander in 1922, Toledo, Ohio, USA. Initial a fost infiintat pentru a sprijini un YMCA local, dar in timp s-a dezvoltat, azi peste 1500 de cluburi functionand in 70 de tari si avand peste 30 000 de membri. Asociatia sprijina in continuare YMCA, a doua organizatie de tineret din lume si serveste comunitatea in care aceasta actioneaza.
Intalnirea a fost o reusita, invitatii de seama ramanand foarte impresionati de numarul de baimareni dornici sa isi desfasoare activitatea intr-un astfel de club, club in care orice tip de activitate este bine venita, atata vreme cat serveste comunitatea si oamenii din ea, YMCA sprijinind si facilitand crearea clubul Y’s Men Baia Mare.
Office Manager,
Adela Lakatos YMCA Romania