15 06, 2012

Kindergarten Otilia Cazimir

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Events|

Federatia YMCA Romania a incheiat un parteneriat cu Gradinita Otilia Cazimir din Baia Mare in cadrul  proiectul "De la cei mari spre cei mici in tainele cititului" . Partenerii acestui proiect sunt: Federatia YMCA Romania,  Liceul de Arta din Baia Mare,  Colegiul Tehnic "George Baritiu" Baia Mare, Colegiul Tehnic "Aurel Vlaicu "Baia Mare si Gradinita cu [...]

10 06, 2012

6 of June 2012

June 10th, 2012|Categories: Events|

 6th of June - Y DAY in  Romania    In 6 June 1844 was founded  the Y  ! For this reason, the General Assembly of YMCA Romania Federation choose  6th of June to be Y DAY all over Romania! This year the  romanian YMCAs   “moved” their community in this great day, spent time with the [...]