Federatia YMCA Romania a incheiat un parteneriat cu Gradinita Otilia Cazimir din Baia Mare in cadrul proiectul “De la cei mari spre cei mici in tainele cititului” . Partenerii acestui proiect sunt: Federatia YMCA Romania, Liceul de Arta din Baia Mare, Colegiul Tehnic “George Baritiu” Baia Mare, Colegiul Tehnic “Aurel Vlaicu “Baia Mare si Gradinita cu program prelungit “Otilia Cazimir” Baia Mare.
Voluntarii EVS ai Federatiei YMCA Romania impreuna cu coordonatorul de proiect au fost invitati la lansarea proiectului care a avut loc in luna aprilie,. La acest eveniment copiii de la gradinita au incantat invitatii cu dansuri si cu o expozitie de lucru manual de Paste. In cadrul acestui proiect, in data de 8 iunie, voluntarii EVS au lucrat cu copiii de la gradinita , realizand activitati cu tematica Animatie Culturala.
YMCA Romania Federation was partner in the project “De la cei mari spre cei mici in tainele cititului” of Otilia Cazimir Kindergarten from Baia Mare. The partners in this project were:YMCA Romania Federation, Arts School from Baia Mare, Technical College “George Baritiu” Baia Mare, Technical College “Aurel Vlaicu” Baia Mare and Kindergarten “Otilia Cazimir” Baia Mare.
The launching of the project took place in April, where EVS volunteers YMCA Romania Federation together with the coordinator of the project were invited. At this event children from kindergarten delighted the guests with dances and an art and crafts Ester exhibition .
During the project , on June 8, EVS volunteers have worked with the children from kindergarten, making Cultural Animation theme activities.