9 09, 2015

European training course in Cluj Napoca (2015 European Youth Capital): Empowering Youth-Strengthening Communities

September 9th, 2015|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Empowering Youth-Strengthening communities is a 9 days (except the traveling days) training course designed for 29 youth workers, leaders in 11 organizations from Europe. The training will be held in Cluj Napoca, European Youth Capital for 2015, Romania between 1-11 October 2015. The project is funded by European Union through Erasmus Plus Program. Through this [...]

7 09, 2015

1,000 children and young people beneficiaries of “4 Youth Performers’ EVS project

September 7th, 2015|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In August 2015 ended the European Voluntary Service for 4 young people : Orla McGreal (Irlanda- 10 months), Judith Bertrand (France-10 months) Sopiko Mirashvili (Georgia-10 months ), Lucas Lalot (France - 5 months), their host organization the YMCA Romania Federation. The project hosted as well the German volunteer Sarah Kidan for 4 months. The project [...]

2 09, 2015

Hot, Hot, Hot! Multimedia book ZOOM outdoor for healthy lives

September 2nd, 2015|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We release a very useful dissemination tool of the project ZOOM outdoor for healthy lives: a multimedia book as a resource for camp organizers, camp instructors, camp instructors, teambuilding facilitators for youth and adults.The ebook is containing materials regarding outdoor, teambuilding and media approaches used, as well as products created by participants during the training [...]