30 11, 2015

EVS booklet Discover-Connect-Change

November 30th, 2015|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

This booklet is a result of the project “ Discover-Connect-Change” that hosted 14 European Voluntary Service(EVS) volunteers from 7 partner organizations from United Kingdom, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Macedonia. This project is funded by European Union through Erasmus Plus Program. Read the project`s objectives, activities, outcomes and testimonials of volunteers: http://issuu.com/ymcaromania/docs/dcc_diseminare

13 11, 2015

Training Course Empowering Youth-Strengthening communities in Cluj Napoca- European Youth Capital 2015

November 13th, 2015|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Between 1-11 October 2015, Cluj Napoca- European Youth capital 2015 was the host of the training course Empowering Youth-Strengthening communities , organized by YMCA Romania together with YMCA Gabrovo Bulgaria, YMCA Tirana Albania, YMCA Serbia, YMCA Ukraine, YMCA Poland, YMCA Italy, YMCA Netherlands, YMCA Spain, YMCA Portugal , YMCA England. This project is funded by [...]