Project: Empowerment and Communication for Policy Change – EVS service: 09.02.2015-08.02.2016

Hosting organization: YMCA Global Norway

Sending organization: YMCA Romania

Volunteer: Bianca Pricope

“It was a very busy period of time since i arrive in Norway: meetings with project partners, colleagues with whom I work here.

I have  started and Norwegian course where I go every week on Tuesday and Wednesday.  I attended at a conference with colleagues , a very  interesting one, where they presented one of their projects. Meanwhile I managed to solve all administrative affairs (registered with the police, medical check, bank account and phone number).

I was out of the office most of the time. As the first activity outside the office was my participation with other colleagues at the International Conference held in Oslo in Young Leadership dated 13 February by FK Norway. Next week we spent touring Norway with Cristina and Peace Young Performers program participants – YPP, where she is now leader. I started to get into contact with people from all over the world: Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and of course Norway. I’m fascinated by how different are the people I get to work. Last week I was gone again, but this time for on arrival EVS training which was a beneficial experience. I knew EVS volunteers from all over Norway and we managed to find out more about activities and free things you can do in Oslo that I had no idea until now :).

As I had the opportunity to work in the office I was commissioned to write an application for project financing Global Week which we will organize in June. I hope to be successful application and approved to receive funding. I have also been asked to share my knowledge of Excel with some of my colleagues. I am very happy that I can help and I feel useful. This weekend I attended the Women’s Day march alongside fellow Kenyans to promote the project in which they currently implementing (Stop FGM – Female Genital Mutilation).

Last  week we WENT into some kind of team bulding in the mountains where one of the activities was cross-country skiing. “acoperisul cladirii Conferinta FK EVS intake training EVS intake training2 EVS intake training3 EVS intake training4 Ziua femeii1 Ziua femeii YPP YPP (2) teambuilding la ski

Here are some pictures from some activities.

Bianca Pricope