During the training course held between 1-11 October 2015 in Cluj Napoca, European Youth Capital 2015, the participants, after  a session about how to create short movies, worked in small teams on a topic they received from the international team of trainers and facilitators. They came up with the storyboard, and after the approval of producers, they went for shooting and then to edit the footage. In the night, we had a “pop corn session” where we watched all the videos giving feedback to each team. Excellent work!

Here are the videos created:

Partners: YMCA Gabrovo Bulgaria, YMCA Tirana Albania, YMCA Serbia, YMCA Ukraine, YMCA Poland, YMCA Italy, YMCA Netherlands, YMCA Spain, YMCA Portugal , YMCA England.

This project is funded by European Union through Erasmus Plus program.

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