25 06, 2016

Manual multimedia I AM because YOU ARE

June 25th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Federatia YMCA Romania lanseaza manualul multimedia I AM because YOU ARE (EU SUNT pentru ca TU EXISTI) un instrument de lucru si o resursa pentru cei care doresc sa organizeze programe si activitati pe tematica drepturilor omului, invatare interculturala, antidiscriminare, cetatenie europeana, incluziune, diversitate, facilitare grafica-animatie, incurajand copiii si tinerii sa aiba o voce puternica [...]

14 06, 2016

Tabara educationala YMCA Shine 2016

June 14th, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Baia Mare In perioada 01-05 august 2016, Federatia YMCA Romania organizeaza in Baia Mare tabara educationala SHINE, editia a III-a: “Eu SUNT pentru ca TU EXISTI/I AM because YOU ARE” Programul taberei: luni-vineri: 9-16 Grupa de varsta 5-9 ani Temele principale sunt: educatie pentru drepturile copilului, identitate sociala, munca in echipa, comunicare non-violenta, familia si [...]

14 06, 2016

EVS in Slovakia: 1 July 2016-30 June 2017

June 14th, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

The project “Help and Serve in Comumunity“ is focused on inclusion, intercultural and intergeneration learning and work with youth through non formal learning and activities in local comnunity of Nesvady. It focuses on meaningful spending of leisure time of children and youth too. The project supports the development of prosocial activities in village Nesvady and [...]

13 06, 2016

Convocator Adunarea generala a Federatiei YMCA Romania – 2016

June 13th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

ADUNARE GENERALA ORDINARA In atentia asociatiilor membre: YMCA BAIA MARE, YMCA Valahia, YMCA Universitaria, YMCA Oradea, YMCA Rozavlea, YMCA Sacel, Student Plus Timisoara, ACT-YMCA Romania, YMCA Cavnic, YMCA Dobrogea, YMCA Iasi,  Asociatia Young Initiative si a membrilor Consiliului Director: Dan Carpov, Lucian Ciorba, Razvan Sassu, Antonio Nyerjak, Carmen Fagadar In conformitate cu prevederile art. 15-17 [...]

13 06, 2016

ESG Leadership Training and Seminar in Switzerland

June 13th, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We are inviting you to a fabulous program in Switzerland! When? 24th to 28th August 2016 Leadership Training: 14 - 18 years old The Leadership Training brings leaders from all over Europe together to experience other ways of Scouting & Jungschar. You get to know the differences and similarities of our work and an insight [...]

9 06, 2016

Training for Camp Instructors – Towards Common Standard, Setubal, Portugal 1st -7th September 2016

June 9th, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

This project is a part of wider and long-term international cooperation coordinated by YMCA Europe. It’s called "YMCA Camps in Europe ". Youth and children camps are one of those forms of activities, where the educational values and principles of healthy living can be implemented in an attractive and safe way. YMCA is very well [...]

8 06, 2016

EVS quality improvement & partnership building event in Netherlands

June 8th, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

East-West Dialogues is a partnership building and EVS quality improvement training which is supported by a grant from the Dutch Erasmus+ National Agency. The training aims at setting up high quality EVS projects in which partners from Western European, Eastern European and partner countries cooperate. This intensive networking programme will involve participants from 12 different [...]

1 06, 2016

EVS vacancy in Norway at Y Global

June 1st, 2016|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

EUROPEAN VOLUNTARY SERVICE VACANCY @ Y GLOBAL NORWAY Y Global Norway is looking for 1 Romanian EVS volunteers , with ages between 18-30 to spend 8 months in their organization( July 216-February 2017) “Forandringshuset” is an activity centre in Oslo primarily for youth, but also for kids and families. The name literally means “House of [...]