YMCA Bournemouth is a charity committed to helping young people, particularly at times of need, regardless of gender, race, ability or faith. All volunteers are expected to respect the YMCA’s Christian ethos and uphold its values of:
• Being inclusive and welcoming to people of all religious faiths and none
• Promoting respect and freedom for all
• Working for tolerance and understanding
• Having an active care and concern for the community
• Affirming the equal value of each person when caring for and working with others
More info: www.ymcabournemouth.org.uk
EVS service: September 2016-September 2017
Accommodation will be in host families in Bournemouth
There are “5” EVS roles for you to choose from:
YMCA Bournemouth delivers youth action projects in Bournemouth for young people aged 11-19 from disadvantaged backgrounds. We work with small groups of young people in the youth centres, schools and the wider community. The work is fun, varied and youth-led.
• Young Citizens do volunteering projects such as fundraising, conferences and arts projects across the Bournemouth community. They are currently planning a youth exchange about citizenship.
• T.E.A.M. is a multicultural youth project that focuses on exploring diversity, identity and resilience through peer mentoring. The group meets weekly after school and organise events and workshops.
In addition to directly working with young people, this role also requires spending time working in the youth office, planning and reviewing activities.
Hours will be mostly daytime with some evenings and occasional weekends.
YMCA Bournemouth has three youth centres with open and closed sessions for young people aged 5-19 to engage in positive activities. Youth Workers run the sessions offering music, crafts, cooking, sports and computer games plus information, advice and guidance.
In addition to directly working with young people, this role also requires spending time working in the youth office, planning and reviewing activities.
Hours will be mostly evenings and weekends with some daytime.
The Chatterboxes is a youth-led project run by disabled young people from Bournemouth aged 11-25 years. Activities include:
• Designing a quarterly easy read magazine with printed and online versions
• Creating disability awareness events
• Delivering workshops for organisations and schools where they share their personal experiences
• Encouraging the community to become more aware of disabilities
• Creating film and online media
In addition to directly working with young people, this role also requires spending time working in the youth office, planning and reviewing activities.
Hours will be mostly daytime with some evenings and occasional weekends.
This role is to assist and support in all aspects of the marketing department. The work is very varied and will include:
• Depending on skills, assisting in producing graphic materials and booklets
• Supporting the Events Manager to coordinate charity races, golf days, rough sleeping and other fundraising events
• Planning the days and supporting participants before, during and after the events. Fundraising can at times be of a very practical nature, for example, packing bags in a supermarket in exchange for donations
• Supporting the Marketing Executive with ensuring all records of volunteers, supporters and donors are updated
Hours will be mostly daytime with occasional evenings and weekends.
The EVS Chaplaincy volunteer will support the Chaplaincy Team in offering:
• Spiritual support to YMCA Bournemouth staff, volunteers, clients and their families
• Running workshops to help our YMCA hostel residents to connect spiritually and build a better future
• Supporting local street homeless people in Bournemouth Town Centre
• Being an advocate for the Christian influence within the organisation
• Helping in developing partnerships with local churches and running community outreach projects
• Working to develop the missional use of the Sandyholme retreat centre in the Purbecks, Dorset
Hours will be mostly daytime with some evenings and occasional weekends.
Application here:EVS Application Form 2016
Email completed applications to youth.projects@ymcabournemouth.org.uk by 5pm (GMT) on Monday 13th June 2016
If you are shortlisted for a Skype interview, we will let you know by Monday 20th June
If you do not hear from us by this date, you have been unsuccessful on this occasion.
The Skype interviews will be held during the week commencing Monday 27th June
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