This project is a part of wider and long-term international cooperation coordinated by YMCA
Europe. It’s called “YMCA Camps in Europe “.
Youth and children camps are one of those forms of activities, where the educational values and principles of healthy living can be implemented in an attractive and safe way. YMCA is very well placed to provide this educational form to Europe in a wide range.In Europe there are many YMCA organizations with long camping tradition, which have elaborated high quality service, perform unique approach to children and young people and their staff is trained within sophisticated systems. Most of the YMCA camps represent very high standards and as such are recognized by communities. However, in most cases the YMCA movements work separately and it’s difficult to talk about common standards in organizing camps and training the staff. This project is a very important step for joining
capacities: a group of camp instructors and organizers will be trained within a common system.
Presently, not all European YMCA movements can boast of developed camp activities or own facilities. The analysis of situation in the Balkans and some YMCA movements in Eastern Europe shows that despite a significant demand for camping services, the YMCA associations are not able to enter the market with a sufficiently strong offer. The main drawbacks are lack of longer camping tradition, weak marketing, insufficient administrative skills and qualified
instructors. Training seminars like this one are going to fulfill such gaps.
• Objectives of the project
– Strengthening regular cooperation between the associations with a purpose setting common standards of camping systems to achieve synergy effect
– Creation of a training system that could be adopted by various YMCA movements
– Equalizing and increasing opportunities: the project itself is a good opportunity for youth associations that don’t have long traditions of organizing youth camps – being in a training system can allow pick up required knowledge and skills quickly
– Output of useful learning materials: manual, adoption of best practices to the
training curriculum.
• Participant profile
– Age; 20 and more
– Experience of work at camps or outdoor activities
– Ability of work in international, multicultural team
– Readiness for dissemination the output in the follow-up process
– Communicative language skills (English)
3 places are available for Romania
• Venue
YMCA CAMP | Parque Ambiental do Alambre
Estrada Nacional 379-1 – 2925-318 Azeitão – PORTUGAL
Telephone: +351 212 183 103 | +351 93 62 97 899
Accommodation: 4 – 6 bed cabins or tents.
Meals: All meals at the conference place.
Travel: On Sep 1 , arrival in Lisbon airport – the participants will be collected from a
meeting point and transferred to the venue.
• Registration
– Online registration by July 15.
• Registration fee
EUR 30, – per person. The fee includes food, accommodation, transportation from/to Lisbon airport –conference
place and programme cost.
• Travel cost reimbursement
– The cost will be reimbursed during the event in cash (EUR) after fulfilling the forms
and providing original proofs (tickets, receipts, boarding passes) up to the maximum amount given by the Erasmus Plus band distance calculator
Please find here the infoletter of the project:TfCI_ Info lette 2._Practical Information for participants-1
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