Visit Cambodia, Romania, Sri Lanka or the Holy Land with YMCA Alternative Tourism.

World YMCA, together with local YMCAs, are pleased to invite you to join a new range of exciting tours especially prepared by local YMCAs, each providing a unique tourism experience.

Each tour is also a social enterprise that generates resources to support the Youth Empowerment initiatives of the local YMCA and World YMCA. These tours are not limited to just YMCA people and all are welcome to join.

The five tours now open for bookings are:
Cambodia 4-11 September, 2016
Romania 8-15 October, 2016
Sri Lanka 20-27 November, 2016
Holy Land 20-28 December, 2016

“These tours are unique and special.They combine the best of the local tourism highlights with an insight into the life-changing work of the local YMCAs” affirmed World YMCA Secretary General Johan Vilhelm Eltvik.

“I don’t think there is a better way to visit these great locations than to do it with the local YMCAs as your host and guides.”

“YMCA Alternative Tourism offers visitors the chance to experience the most impressive cultural diversities, real life of the people, and fascinating hospitality with the local YMCA. Visitors will experience the countries and the YMCA work in a very special way.”

“I encourage you to promote – and even to join one of these tours. Your participation in the tour also helps the work of the local YMCA.”

For enquiries or further information: ymcatours(at)ymca.int

Experience Romania v1.2

Experience the essence of Romania, a dynamic country rich in history, arts and scenic beauty. From Southern Transylvania to the historic region of Maramures, this is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe.

More information here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_vU7pAXZvrmNWQ5dUFpd09JM0k/view

You can join also Facebook event YMCA Experience Romania

Check out all Alternative Tourism offers of World Alliance of YMCAs here:
