19 04, 2017

Youth Exchange in Netherlands- NATURAL

April 19th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects, Uncategorized|

Olde Vechte Foundation from Ommen, The Netherlands, is organizing an extraordinary adventure in nature, a youth exchange for 48 young people who want to reconnect to themselves through nature and to broaden their environmental awareness. During 2 weeks you will join a journey leading back to the basics You will: -share your personal experience and [...]

10 04, 2017

Impulse Boot Camp – Germany , 14-21 August 2017

April 10th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

The Impulse Boot Camp is an international training for people between 18 and 27 years who are voluntary active in creative political processes. We will try out project management tools, methods for working in groups and reflect upon our personal and organisational development. Non-formal methods with an innovative and interdisciplinary character, will be selected for [...]