25 10, 2017

6 voluntari ai Serviciului European de Voluntariat desfasoara timp de 6 luni activitati pentru copiii si tinerii din Baia Mare, Copalnic Manastur, Somcuta Mare, Cavnic

October 25th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Incepand cu luna octombrie 2017, Federatia YMCA ROMANIA deruleaza un nou proiect Serviciul European de Voluntariat al Comisiei Europene intitulat „Youth Power Space”, gazduind pentru o perioada de 6 luni 6 voluntari provenind din Austria – Angelika Petritz, Franta – Maeliss Vray, Italia – Cecilia Fini, Olanda – Jonathan van Varik, Portugalia – Barbara Pereira, [...]

25 10, 2017

6 EVS volunteers create safe and power spaces for the young people from Baia Mare, Cavnic, Copalnic Manastur , Somcuta Mare

October 25th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Starting October 2017, YMCA Romania hosts for a period of 6 months 6 young people through European Voluntary Service -Erasmus Plus Program , in a project called “Youth Power Space” funded by European Commission. The volunteers are from : Austria – Angelika Petritz, France – Maeliss Vray, Italy – Cecilia Fini, Netherlands – Jonathan van [...]

16 10, 2017

Our EVS volunteers’ first blog entry

October 16th, 2017|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release|Tags: , , , , , |

Our EVS volunteers, Angelika (Austria), Barbara (Portugal), Jonathan (Netherlands) and Maeliss (France) are sharing their first EVS experiences. YMCA Romania will host them for 6 months, in the "Youth Power Space" project, through the European Voluntary Service, Erasmus+ Programme financed by the European Union. How to survive the first weeks of EVS On a sunny [...]

12 10, 2017


October 12th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Wider Horizon short term EVS project has as main general goal to increase the inclusion and employability of young people with fewer opportunities across Europe. The target group of the project are “young people with fewer opportunities” - a term which includes youngsters from many different backgrounds who, for a variety of reasons, face some [...]