28 11, 2017

Volunteers’ blog: One week more in this small North-Romanian city.

November 28th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

At the start of the new week our fabulous crew was divided into two separate groups: Juan and Cecilia, our Mediterranean fellows, went to Bucharest for their On-Arrival Training whereas Jonathan, Maeliss, Barbara and Angelika stayed in Baia Mare and continued their regular activities. The On-Arrival Training in Bucharest was a great experience! Apart from [...]

21 11, 2017

Volunteers’ blog: Babysteps towards success

November 21st, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

After two long days of planning days we started our activities in the schools on Wednesday. School- 8 was our first victim. Hereafter we jumped into another challenge in the Hungarian School of Baia Mare. Armed with the knowledge of handling difficult behaviour, we were more confident to face the wild creatures that are kids, [...]

20 11, 2017

Volunteers’ blog: Learning, teaching and learning to teach

November 20th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

One week has passed since our last post. Time flies here in Romania. It was only a week ago, when we enthusiastically announced our activities at the Hungarian School in Baia Mare. Our visit to the Hungarian school was an unforgettable experience. We found ourselves in the middle of a noisy classroom. We dealt 11-year-old [...]

13 11, 2017

Busy days, vivid nights: our volunteers’ new blog entry

November 13th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

And now we are the fantastic six! After a tough weekend filled with apflelstrudel, a couple of beers, vibrant night life and new international friends, we headed into a new week. We are only at the beginning of this week, but we are starting to feel how great it is to work together with kids. [...]

13 11, 2017

YMCA la Gala Tineretului din Romania

November 13th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

La Gala Tineretului din Romania organizata de catre Ministerul Tineretului si Sportului la Bacau - Capitala Tineretului din Romania 2017-2018,  YMCA a fost la inaltime datorita proiectelor derulate de catre tinerii voluntari si lucratorii de tineret ai organizatiei. Astfel, organizatia, ca si ansamblu, a obtinut: -locul III la Sectiunea "Participarea tinerilor in comunitate" pentru proiectul [...]

3 11, 2017

One month complete, five more to go! – Sharing from our 4 EVS volunteers

November 3rd, 2017|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release, Projects|

In our second blog entry, we are going to show the experiences form our -arrival-training and our first working days. We, the fantastic four, went to Bucharest for our on-arrival-training. During these six days we met 60 volunteers from all over Romania. It was a great opportunity to make a lot of internationally- orientated friends [...]

2 11, 2017

“Do you want to know who you are? Don’t ask, ACT!”- Thomas Jefferson- first blog of our EVS volunteers Cecilia from Italy and Juan from Spain

November 2nd, 2017|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release, Uncategorized|

There are moments in your life that you will never forget. Sometimes those moments come after being walking for a long time through a large and struggling path, some other times they come unexpectedly and easily. A common denominator appears anyway in both cases: the best experiences come to those who are seeking as best they can. Our [...]

1 11, 2017

Comunicat de presa final proiect “Impreuna pentru Comunitate!Dezvoltarea de competente specifice pentru tinerii voluntari in tabere”

November 1st, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In perioada iulie-octombrie 2017, Federatia YMCA Romania impreuna cu partenerii Asociatia YMCA Baia Mare, Fundatia Student Plus Timisoara si Asociatia Young Initiative a implementat proiectul ”Impreuna pentru comunitate! Dezvoltarea de competente specifice pentru tinerii voluntari in tabere” care a constat intr-un curs de formare pentru 25 de tineri cu varsta cuprinsa intre 14-35 ani provenind [...]