21 12, 2017

Ateliere nonformale gratuite oferite copiilor si tinerilor baimareni de catre cei 6 voluntari ai Serviciului European de Voluntariat ai YMCA Romania

December 21st, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Incepand luna ianuarie 2018, tinerii voluntari ai Serviciului European de Voluntariat (SEV) gazduiti de Federatia YMCA Romania vor oferi copiilor si tinerilor din Baia Mare ateliere non formale gratuite. Astfel, Jonathan van Varik din Olanda va sustine un program de invatare a limbii engleze pentru incepatori, focalizandu-se pe comunicare. Voluntara Angelika Petritz din Austria va [...]

21 12, 2017

Counting the days to Christmas: Volunteers’ Blog

December 21st, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

A new and long week has passed. While the activities on the various schools in Maramureș do take place with increasing ease, work becomes never dull. None of the passing weeks are the same and every activity offers space to learn. In addition, the last week was a festive one. The approaching holidays made our [...]

12 12, 2017

We see, we hear, we taste: Volunteers’ Blog

December 12th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

After we spend our long weekends travelling in Maramureș and discovering Budapest, we returned to Baia Mare. After four days of separation we were back together; everyone except for Juan. He was still in Barcelona, and would remain there for the entirety of the week. Our week promised to be a stressful one. Our first [...]

5 12, 2017

Volunteers’ Blog: multiple stories, many pictures!

December 5th, 2017|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Another week has passed in Baia Mare and thanks to the National Holiday only a short week of work can be described. Only five of us were in Baia Mare during the first days of the last week. Circumstances brought Barbara in Portugal, where she presented her final thesis. The first two working days, Monday [...]