YMCA Bournemouth is opening the call for the next batch of volunteers through European Voluntary Service.
Project title: Community Volunteering with YMCA Bournemouth
Period:September 2017-August 2018
Vacancies: 9 places
Hosting organization: YMCA Bournemouth
Sending organization: Federatia YMCA Romania
Costs: travelling, accomodation, food and pocket money covered by the grant.
Volunteer`s roles:
– in youth department:4 places: evs-role-for-youth
– in marketing department: 2 places:evs-role-for-marketing
– in pre-school and Nursery department: 1 place:evs-role-for-nursery-and-childrens-centre
– in housing & leisure department: 1 place:evs-role-for-housing-and-leisure
– in housing and chaplaincy: 1 place: evs-role-for-housing-and-chaplaincy
Deadline to apply: 28th February 2017
Please send your CV and motivated letter (specific for the role you want to apply) till 28th February at office@ymca.ro
For more informations please visit the webpage of the hosting organization: http://ymcabournemouth.org.uk
Testimonials of our 2 EVS volunteers hosted in Bournemouth now: https://ymca.ro/2016/european-voluntary-service-in-united-kingdom-ymca-bournemouth/
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