Between 9-11 December 2016, YMCA Romania Federation representatives – Alina Coman (president of YMCA Baia Mare, Romanian teacher in EVS projects) and Mirela Zigler (teacher) took part in an international seminar in Soest, Netherlands called East West Dialogues 2016.


The organisations that participated in this EVS Partnership Building Event were: Asset Based Community Development Innovation Center (Armenia), NEOTON (Bulgaria), Eufemia (Italy), Scambieuropei (Italy), ADVIT (Moldova), Stichting UcDean (The Netherlands), Semper Avanti (Poland), ZSO-Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. KEN (Poland), YMCA Romania and Young Initiative (Romania), ADEL (Slovakia), Arrabal-AID (Spain), Inter Europa Rioja (Spain), Villafranca de los Barros City Council (Spain), Canakkale Koza Genclik Dernegi (Turkey), Governorate of Mugla European Union Relations Office (Turkey), 4 Youth (Ukraine) and Center for European Initiatives (Ukraine).


East West Dialogues was a partnership building and EVS quality improvement seminar which aimed to set up high quality EVS projects among Western and Eastern countries.

The objectives of the training were:
• To get to know the possibilities of cooperation between Program Countries and Eastern Partnership countries within the Erasmus+ Program
• To understand better EVS project management
• To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to organize a successful EVS project with a special focus on youth participation
• To bring together people working with youngsters in order to create new project ideas of EVS projects within Key Action 1 of the Erasmus + Program





“During the program all the participants from 11 countries developed together a Quality Assurance Toolkit, consisting of practical tools and templates for drafting partnership agreements, activity agreements, recruitment of volunteers, mediation and evaluating EVS projects. It was a great opportunity for us to improve our skills necessary in the process of implementation of EVS projects and strongly recommend the participation in future mobilities”- Alina Coman.

You can find the Toolkit here:toolkit-evs-partnership-building-event-east-west-dialogues-2016“>toolkit-evs-partnership-building-event-east-west-dialogues-2016

The project is funded by Erasmus Plus Program. 16683080_10210274346287445_1522274995_n