28 02, 2018

Volunteers’ Blog: A nostalgic mood

February 28th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Since last week we are feeling that the end of our time in Romania it is coming closer and closer. We already started to say goodbye to some of our Evs friends in Baia Mare. The time flies and we did not notice time passing by so quickly. Now, the final moments have arrived and [...]

23 02, 2018


February 23rd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

De 14 de ani, Federatia YMCA Romania este alaturi de copiii si tinerii Romaniei oferindu-le programe si proiecte in care ei sa se dezvolte holistic minte-trup-suflet, imputernicindu-i sa devina autonomi, responsabili, respectuosi, onesti, implicati in comunitatile voastre. Prin programele noastre (de implicare civica si voluntariat, educationale si recreative, de dezvoltare personala, de incluziune, tabere, ateliere [...]

21 02, 2018

Valentine’s week: Volunteers’ Blog

February 21st, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

The last week was a week of feelings. We reserved these days to talk in our classes about emotions. In the Hungarian School we asked the children to write a letter to one person they admire, and subsequently taught how to fold this letter into an origami heart. As for the rest of the activities, [...]

20 02, 2018

COMUNICAT K3| Tineri si autoritati in dialog: obiective comune orientate spre rezultate

February 20th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In perioada 6 – 9 martie tinerii din Timisoara se vor afla fata in fata cu autoritatile, in cadrul primului dialog tineri – decidenti din proiectul „Europarlamentar pentru o zi: Structuri de sprijin pentru implicarea tinerilor in procesul legislativ”, finantat de Uniunea Europeana prin programul Erasmus+. Evenimentul va avea loc la sediul Consiliului Judetean Timis, [...]

14 02, 2018

Welcoming our workshops: Volunteers’ blog

February 14th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Last week was a very productive week. But this productivity did not show itself in the schools, because the schools celebrated a break. Productivity appeared in the preparation and execution of  the individual workshops. In addition Jonathan did at last return from his weeklong trip to Macedonia. A long and exhausting travel preceded his arrival [...]

10 02, 2018

Hello February! Volunteers’ Blog.

February 10th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

The man of our international family left us for one whole week. We already had to say good by to Juan, whom has definitely left our group, but this week we also had to miss Jonathan. He made a journey to a far-away place: for one week, he exchanged Baia Mare for Skopje, Macedonia, to [...]

5 02, 2018


February 5th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release|

In atentia asociatiilor membre: YMCA BAIA MARE, YMCA Valahia, YMCA Universitaria, YMCA Oradea, YMCA Rozavlea, YMCA Sacel, Student Plus Timisoara, ACT-YMCA Romania, YMCA Cavnic, YMCA Dobrogea,YMCA Iasi,  Asociatia Young Initiative si a membrilor Consiliului Director: Dan Carpov, Lucian Ciorba, Razvan Sassu, Antonio Nyerjak, Carmen Fagadar In conformitate cu prevederile art. 15-17 coroborate cu art. 21 [...]

3 02, 2018

Testimonial Albert Poetzsch -EVS at Olde Vechte Foundation (The Netherlands): A life changing opportunity

February 3rd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

English: My personal journey at the Olde Vechte Foundation My first encounter with the Olde Vechte Foundation was in October 2016. I came for a Coaching training and fell in love with the place and the energy which surrounds it. The Olde Vechte is mainly a Group accommodation and training centre with 25 volunteers organising [...]