30 04, 2018

Annual Report 2017

April 30th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We are happy to share with you the  2017 Annual Report of YMCA Romania Federation You can find it here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1sYY0N5G34GDy4U8CayjLMtSrIe3dsAT9 Disclaimer: The numbers and activities stated in this report do not include the numbers, activities and budgets of the local member organizations.    

26 04, 2018

Youth Power Space project in media

April 26th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Youth Power Space EVS project , with different services between 1 October 2017-30 April 2019 hosted 6 volunteers from 6 different countries: Austria, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Italy, France and was focused on promoting human rights, civic engagement, inclusion, tolerance, NO HATE Speech, with various beneficiaries from Baia Mare, Cavnic, Somcuta Mare, Copalnic Manastur.   Here [...]

26 04, 2018

There is no ‘i’ in team: Volunteer’s Blog

April 26th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release|

Friends leave, friends go. Only one single person is left, far from home. Others left, but also stay near. The friendship lasts, no reason to fear! No longer is he at unease, after all these months, he found  his peace. His memories are still alive… it was like yesterday, the day I arrived.   He [...]

12 04, 2018

Volunteers’ Blog: Living a lifetime in three days

April 12th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

An Easter miracle has happened! Where could we start to talk about the things that we experienced this weekend? So many different things took place. We did visit so many places and met a lot of interesting people. We ate a lot of food. This weekend really was full of tradition and adventure. Even though [...]

5 04, 2018

Many weeks later, we will see each other later! Volunteers’ Blog

April 5th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Many weeks have passed. Many things have changed. Friends were made, people did leave. How is it possible to describe all of the many things we did in the last weeks? Let us try to make some order and give an overview of our activities.   Hundreds of kilometres, days of travel The first week [...]