30 05, 2018

Post EVS: Change is good! – insights of Angelika Petritz , Youth Power Space EVS volunteer

May 30th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

A question you hear and think about a lot in your last months of your EVS is „What are you going to do after this experience?“ Well I finished my EVS more than two months ago and things turned out quite differently than expected, not necessarily in a bad way! In October 2018 a new [...]

26 05, 2018

Back again: how Jonathan looks back at his EVS experience

May 26th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

I daily recall the experiences of a not-so-distant past. The Romanian adventure is over. Experiences have become memories. For some weeks Baia Mare has been separated by distance. More and more will new memories crawl and take the place as the fresh thoughts in mind. At some point, Baia Mare will be a distant memory, [...]

23 05, 2018

Open call for EVS placement at Olde Vechte, Netherlands

May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Olde Vechte Foundation is implementing the project YES – Youth Employability Skills in the framework of the European Voluntary Service under the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Grant agreement reference number: 2018-1-NL02-KA125-002009) and has an open call for Romanian volunteers with ages between 18-30 for  service starting September 2018. Olde Vechte is a training [...]

23 05, 2018

What about after the EVS ? Read Maeliss ` insights after she returned in France

May 23rd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

More than one month has passed since I came back from my EVS experience in Baia Mare, Romania. I took this time to adapt myself again in my city and in my life. It was an intense month. I saw my friends, my family, travelled, enjoyed Lyon with the sun and looked for a job. [...]

22 05, 2018

IMPULSE BOOT CAMP seminar – July 7th to 15th 2018 in the countryside of Saxony, Germany (Schneeberg)

May 22nd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

New methods for a new world. The world is changing: Everything is complex, fast-paced, globalized and inter-connected. More than this world needs people that are not only aware of today’s social challenges, but contributes actively to a better community.  IBC is an international multiplier training, where you will find out how to contribute with more [...]

5 05, 2018

”See you Soon”: Final Volunteer’s Blog

May 5th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In September a bunch of different nationalities were placed in Romanian city. They did not know each other and were unknown to the country they just entered. Six, later five, nationalities stayed in Baia Mare for months. During these months they went to countless schools and grew experienced with the planning and implementation of educational [...]

4 05, 2018

1500 de copii, tineri si adulti beneficiari ai stagiilor de voluntariat din proiectul ” Youth Power Space”

May 4th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In luna aprilie 2018 si-au incheiat stagiile de voluntariat tinerii veniti in Baia Mare prin Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV): Jonathan van Varik  (Olanda – 7 luni), Maeliss Vray (Franta-6 luni), Barbara Pereira (Portugalia-6 luni), Angelika Petritz (Austria – 6 luni) , Cecilia Fini (Italia – 6 luni), organizatia lor gazda fiind Federatia YMCA Romania. [...]

4 05, 2018

1500 children, young people and adults benefiting from volunteer services provided by “Youth Power Space” project

May 4th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In April 2018, the  services of the young volunteers, arrived in Baia Mare in October 2017  through the European Voluntary Service (SEV), had ended: Jonathan van Varik (Netherlands - 7 months), Maeliss Vray (France-6 months), Barbara Pereira (Portugal-6 months), Angelica Petritz (Austria - 6 months), Cecilia Fini (Italy - 6 months), their host organization being [...]

4 05, 2018

KA3: Eveniment dialog structurat 4-6 mai 2018, Odorheiu Secuiesc SUNT ELEV, VOI FI PRIMAR!

May 4th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Pe perioada celor 3 zile, peste 50 de tineri vor participa sesiuni de informare si de dezvoltare de abilitati civice, ce se se vor finaliza cu DIALOGUL CU AUTORITATILE. La masa rotunda sunt invitati reprezentanti ai Consiliului Local Odorheiu Secuiesc, Inspectoratului Scolar Judetean Harghita, Primariei Orasului Odorheiu Secuiesc. Organizator al evenimentului Forumul Tânăr din Odorhei [...]