30 06, 2018

Hideaway movement – outcome of the Youth Power Space EVS project

June 30th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

After ending their  European Voluntary Service in Baia Mare, Romania at YMCA Romania, our former EVS volunteer from Portugal, Barbara Pereira, together with her project colleagues - Jonathan van Varik, Cecilia Fini, Angelika Petritz, Maeliss Vray launched the HIDEAWAY movement. HIDEAWAY MOVEMENT is a team of people that aims to increase awareness of the living [...]

30 06, 2018

Comunicat de presa: Proiectul SEV Youth Power Space la final

June 30th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

În data de 30 iunie 2018, s-a încheiat proiectul Erasmus Plus - Serviciul European de Voluntariat (SEV) Youth Power Space gazduit de Federația YMCA Romania prin care 6 voluntari străini au desfasurat activități educationale în Baia Mare, Copalnic Manastur, Somcuta Mare, Cavnic : Jonathan van Varik (Olanda – 7 luni), Maeliss Vray (Franta-6 luni), Barbara [...]

12 06, 2018

POST EVS REFLECTION: EVS meant connections, testing myself, traveling, discovering new sides of my personality

June 12th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Readaptation is never easy. I already knew that from my Erasmus in France but every time, after a long trip full of new experience, coming back home can be quite hard. I came back more than one month ago and still, being in my city is a little bit strange. Everything is the same but [...]

8 06, 2018

Peacemaker Global Week 2018- Youth in Action for Global Advocacy and Poverty Eradication

June 8th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

YMCA - YWCA Global - Norway is organizing between 1st-7th August 2018 at Sjøglimt Leirsted, Marker Municipality, a mobility for youth workers with the focus on Advocacy, Subject to Citizen, Creating Global Movement, Sustainable Development Goals and Civic Engagement. Other activities will be : - Welcoming session, introduction and getting to know each other: after [...]

8 06, 2018

BaseCamp – leadership in programe de tabara

June 8th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In perioada iunie-octombrie 2018, Federatia YMCA Romania  implementeaza  proiectul  „BaseCamp - leadership in programe de tabara” care are ca scop stimularea participarii tinerilor la viața societatii prin implicarea in programe de tabara calitative si in siguranta si cresterea capacitatii administrative a organizatiilor de tineret de a implementa astfel de programe comunitare transformationale. Proiectul are ca [...]

4 06, 2018

WE are YOUNG – reflection of Youth Power Space volunteer Barbara Pereira after EVS service

June 4th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Does life after EVS hard? No. After is not an end, but a start. the knowledge that I acquired as an EVS, I would say, is “in maturation stage”. During my time in Romania I heard several times an expression that reflects exactly what is life - “a learning process”. I am still learning about [...]

3 06, 2018

Echipa YMCA caută voluntari pentru programele de tabara din vara anului 2018!

June 3rd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Programele de tabere sunt atât educaționale cât și distractive, acestea oferind o experiență unică, transformatoare nu numai pentru copiii implicați dar și pentru întreaga echipă de tabără: staff, animatori, instructori, consilieri. În vara aceasta YMCA organizează sesiuni de formare, dupa o curricula de bunele practici de tabara din SUA si Olanda, urmand ca aceste competente [...]

2 06, 2018


June 2nd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

“Youth Power Space II ” EVS project will take place in Baia Mare city and its surroundings – Cavnic, (North-West Romania) with  11 months service, between 1st of October 2018 and 31st August  2019. The project will host 4 volunteers, from 3 countries: France, Portugal, Spain. The project partner organizations are:  Ville de Nevers(France), ProAtlântico [...]

1 06, 2018


June 1st, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Pentru vara anului 2018 YMCA v-a pregatit un program educational si recreativ de exceptie! Organizatia noastra dezolta un program de exceptie in ceea ce priveste planificarea, implementarea si evaluarea taberelor, ghidandu-ne dupa bunele practici la nivel mondial ( in special YMCA USA Camp - American Camp Associations standards), organizatia YMCA avand o experienta de la [...]