31 10, 2018

The week that somehow changed our minds!

October 31st, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Last week, we went to Bucharest for the On-Arrival Training that took place at the RIN GRAND Hotel. It was 7 days of much knowledge, learning, harmony, happiness, friendship, sharing and culture. The trip until Bucharest it was a surprise but also fun because we tried for the first time travel for 12 hours by [...]

31 10, 2018

Stories in the bonfire II: Exodus (on arrival training in Bucharest)

October 31st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Once upon a time there was an andalusian sheppard... that decided to travel far far away... The last weekend was the mandatory on-arrival training for all the volunteers that came to Romania in the past two months. So,imagine, 75 people from 11 countries and even more cultures, all together in a hotel working together. I [...]

29 10, 2018

Bucharest’s beauty

October 29th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

We have been out on Bucarest for a week. Our On Arrival Training (OAT) has been brilliant. Full of emotion, new knowledge, fun and, mostly, new interesting people with whom we had the opportunity to share our thoughts and our life for a while. We came from 13 different countries, what made this experience incredibly [...]

26 10, 2018

Rezultate finale selecție formatori experți în formularea, monitorizarea și evaluarea politicilor publice în domeniul lucrului cu tinerii – cod MySMIS 112133 / cod SIPOCA 149

October 26th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Standarde și politici sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România cod MySMIS 112133 / cod SIPOCA 149  Urmare a evaluării documentației și interviurilor derulate cu candidații care au întrunit peste 70 de puncte, conform procedurii de recrutare și selecție, Federația Young Men’s Christian Associations România (YMCA România), Asociația Young Initiative (AYI) și Centrul pentru Dezvoltare [...]

22 10, 2018

Anunt rezultate selecție formatori experți în formularea, monitorizarea și evaluarea politicilor publice în domeniul lucrului cu tinerii

October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

  “Standarde și politici sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România” este un proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European (FSE) prin Programul Operațional Capacitate Administrativă (cod MySMIS 112133 / cod SIPOCA 149).   Urmare a evaluării documentației și interviurilor derulate cu candidații care au întrunit peste 70 de puncte, conform procedurii de recrutare și selecție, [...]

18 10, 2018


October 18th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release|

CONVOCATOR   ADUNARE GENERALA EXTRAORDINARA In atentia asociatiilor membre: YMCA Baia Mare, YMCA Valahia, YMCA Universitaria, YMCA Oradea, YMCA Rozavlea, YMCA Sacel, Student Plus Timisoara, ACT-YMCA Romania, YMCA Cavnic, YMCA Dobrogea, YMCA Iasi,  Asociatia Young Initiative si a membrilor Consiliului Director: Dan Carpov, Lucian Ciorba, Razvan Sassu, Antonio Nyerjak, Carmen Fagadar In conformitate cu prevederile [...]

16 10, 2018


October 16th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

LET'S GET STARTED Beginnings are always special. It is probably the mix between the different tastes, views and sounds. You feel something in your inside that can’t stop, a trickling sensation that you might misunderstand with nerves or fear, but it is not: it is willing and excitement due to the huge range of possibilities [...]

15 10, 2018

Stories in the bonfire I: GENESIS (My firsts weeks in Romania!)

October 15th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

"Man, I am so lost!" I was in Cluj-Napoca, tired because all the travelling hours, looking for the bus that should carry me to Baia Mare, my final destination. "What the hell, I cannot understand nothing!" Me, being insecure as allways. I mean, it's a new language, it's pretty normal not to understand anything, I [...]

15 10, 2018

New challenge & New life

October 15th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

When we arrived in Romania, we felt that was the beginning of an adventure and a period of learning a lot of skills. The trip to Baia Mare it’s can be reported about the beautiful landscapes that we saw, with mountains, roads, typical villages and with an amount of curious churches. The first contact with [...]

15 10, 2018

BaseCamp – leadership in programe de tabara – un program educational pentru tineri

October 15th, 2018|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

In perioada iunie-15 octombrie 2018,  Federatia YMCA Romania a implementat in Baia Mare, Cavnic, Izvoare proiectul „BaseCamp - leadership in programe de tabara” care a avut ca scop stimularea participarii tinerilor la viața societatii prin implicarea in programe de tabara calitative si in siguranta si cresterea capacitatii administrative a organizatiilor de tineret de a implementa [...]