Readaptation is never easy. I already knew that from my Erasmus in France but every time, after a long trip full of new experience, coming back home can be quite hard.
I came back more than one month ago and still, being in my city is a little bit strange.
Everything is the same but you have changed. Suddenly you came back in an old routine and you had the impression that you never left your country.
This first impact always put me down but in one way give me new energy to travel again and to continue my long trip around the world.
This summer will be for me time of reflection about my future.
I would like to start a master in France to give a good ending to my universities studies but I am still not sure. Lots of ideas come in my mind every day and finding the right way is never easy.
The EVS experience was amazing! You can create connections, you can test yourself, you can travel and you can discover a new side about your personality.
I always repeat that during these six months I learnt that “everything is illuminated”.
Everything can help you to find your way, everything can be read with a different prospective and became a new input!
During six months I had the opportunity to try many different activities to see what I like and what I don’t like, I had the chance to meet lots of people from all over the world and I created incredible connections that will never end.
I will be honest, this first month after Romania was difficult, full of nostalgic moments. This is the game: the more an experience is beautiful, the more it will be difficult after the end.
I can say that life after EVS is a new challenge! It’s time to move on, to start a new chapter!
Transition can be tricky, grey moments can arrive and put you in a bad mood. But if I learn that “everything is illuminated”, I am also sure that this transition will be useful in some ways.
With Love,
Cecilia Fini ( EVS volunteer, Italy, Youth Power Space project)
Project funded by European Union through Erasmus Plus Program.
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