In September a bunch of different nationalities were placed in Romanian city. They did not know each other and were unknown to the country they just entered. Six, later five, nationalities stayed in Baia Mare for months. During these months they went to countless schools and grew experienced with the planning and implementation of educational programs. They did also travel. They did see the many corners of Romania, and the part of Europe it is part of.
Now, seven months later, they have returned to their respective homes. With the start of the new month, the last person returned. Jonathan did go to the Netherlands. He locked the door of the apartment for one last time and mesmerized about all the memories of the last months. He had heard the stories of the ladies; stories that told him that it is difficult to return home. Now his time had come. It was his turn to go home. Large and fast footsteps brought him to board the bus that would take him to the airport. Within a few hours he was in his home country. All was strange, yet so familiar…

Result of 7 months of Romania: drawings, certificates and memories.
And the ladies? Every single one does go in an separate, one’s own way. Angelika left first, more than one-and-a-half month ago. Ever since, she has been in her native country of Austria. She is now preparing herself for her period as a student. What will she study? That is not certain yet, nor is the place in which she will study. Maëliss is set to follow a similar path. She is now in her beloved Lyon. She will remain in this city and study psychology in the year to come. Cecilia is once again back in her home city of Pesaro. Her eyes are also directed towards France, as she investigates the opportunity to study her master there. Barbara does currently reside in Annecy, France. She works as an au-pair, but is determined to travel more. She will go westwards, towards Latin-America. There is no doubt that she will be able to reach it! She is, despite her full schedule, occupied with other projects. Her own creation, the absolute zenith of the experience in Baia Mare, will find continuation in a certain form. Her PROJECT HIDEAWAY will return. Barbara is already talking with the YMCA of Geneva, rest assured that something large will grow from this!
Will they ever return to their former lives? No such thing is possible! Their worlds have definitely changed. They do now shape their new lives, without forgetting about their Romanian experiences. Whereto the future moves is always insecure, but it is more than clear that things are bound to change and new adventures will have their place in the future. Apart from this, the volunteers are determined to hold Romania in their memories and each made the promise to return to the city that brought them so much.

What direction do we now go to?
The last thing they wish to do, is to give an expression of gratefulness. Gratefulness for the great opportunity that has been offered to them. Gratefulness for the new things they did learn. And gratefulness for the adventures they lived during their stay in Romania. The volunteers say therefore ‘Thank You’ to everyone that has been involved with the project. We say ‘Thank You’ to the YMCA, which has become our organisation. We are all determined to keep the ties with this organisation warm and tight. We also say ‘Thank You’ to Baia Mare, Maramureș and Romania. The many places we visited have been nice and the many people have been hospitable for us; altogether perfect conditions for a far-away adventure. But also the loyal readers of this blog do deserve attention. We say ‘THANK YOU’ to those that lived with us during our time in Romania and we hope that you have gained a new insight in our activities, the city of Baia Mare and the country it is located in.
In the next weeks each of the volunteers will share their own experiences in a personal blog. You will also be able to hear about their future plans in a short video. These will be posted on the YouTube channel of YMCA Romania.
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