30 03, 2019

Annual Report 2018

March 30th, 2019|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We are happy to share with you the 2018 Annual report of YMCA Romania Federation. You can find it here:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1IewItElttkYSnuoGCQ4kMTxbxvdN1wIW Disclaimer: The numbers, activities and budget stated in this report do not include the numbers, programs , activities and budgets of the local member organization. We would like to thank our Change Agent Cohort 3 [...]

21 03, 2019

Training for Summer Camps Managers YMCA France, Le Rocheton , 21- 26.06.2019

March 21st, 2019|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

This project is a part of wider and long-term international cooperation, coordinated by YMCA Europe Camping Programme Group. This time we focus on management of human resources. The host of the training event is YMCA France. The projects starts on April 15th  and ends on October 14th 2019. The main event is a training conference [...]

18 03, 2019

Second part spring/summer.

March 18th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

We are already at the end of March, I feel that time has passed very fast. We are already in the middle of our mission. But I think those months of spring and summer are going to be the best. The last day the sun came back with more pleasant temperatures so my motivation, my [...]

2 03, 2019

Night reflection

March 2nd, 2019|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release, Projects, Uncategorized|

We keep thinking that we are special souls that are living a unique experience. That what we do, what we achieve, what we want out of it is above any previous volunteer's expectations and reality. The EVS makes your feelings stronger, deeper and, therefore, more harmful sometimes. That's why an adventure like this is full [...]