30 04, 2019

Lansarea Cartei Albe privind Implicarea Civică a Tinerilor

April 30th, 2019|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Proiectul de dialog structurat „Europarlamentar pentru o zi | Structuri de sprijin pentru implicarea tinerilor în procesul legislativ” a ajuns la final, însă dialogul continuă. Propunerile tinerilor sunt reunite în Carta Albă pe care o aducem astăzi la masa dialogului. Ei sunt mai conștienți de puterea pe care o au, sunt mai motivați și mai capabili [...]

2 04, 2019

“An amazing journey” at Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, Netherlands by Ildikó Guzrán

April 2nd, 2019|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Our EVSer Ildikó Guzrán was in Ommen during 2 months at Old Vechte Foundation. She wrote a testmonial about all the work that she made there and also how this experience was so enriching for her at different levels. As an EVSer in another country , the host organization provides to you some needs for [...]

1 04, 2019

Adapt, overcome.

April 1st, 2019|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release, Projects|

Some weeks have gone since I last wrote here. It is not always easy to find the space for reflection and it is even harder to write the ideas down. Actually, until this last week, all in my mind was a bit messy and I could not put my thoughts in order; maybe if I [...]

1 04, 2019

One opportunity to change!

April 1st, 2019|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Have been weeks of management, planning, work, enthusiasm, affection, goals and determination. The time is passing so fast and when I look back, I realize how many things I´ve done but also all that I still want to do. I started my personal project three weeks ago doing one meeting per week. The name of [...]