
EVS vacancy in Oslo, Norway at YWCA-YMCA Global

EVS is the European Commission’s mobility Program allowing young people to spend up to 12 months volunteering  in another country.

We are looking to send 1 Romanian volunteer that will team up with  2 young people from Palestine  and 1 from YMCA Macedonia for 12 months from 1 May 2019.

Two people (1 from Palestine, 1 from Romania) will volunteer with YWCA-YMCA Global – an international development and solidarity organisation that is owned by the YWCA-YMCA of Norway (in Norway the YWCA and the YMCA are one joint Movement).  The office is in central Oslo.  .

Two people  (1 from Palestine, 1 from Macedonia) will volunteer with YWCA-YMCA Norway,  based  at the regional office in Haugesund in the western part of Norway, by the coast.

All 4 EVS volunteers in Norway will start their exchange with a joint 3 week introduction course in Oslo. Although they will then volunteer in different locations, they will be a team and will meet up from time to time to work together, for example during summer festivals.

Aims of the EVS project:

Short-term aims:

  1. to raise awareness among young people in Norway, Palestine, Macedonia and Romania about the injustices young people in other countries are facing, and to create solidarity between them;
  2. to give young people in these countries knowledge / skills to take action to address these injustices, for example through campaigning, communications, peer education

Long-term aims:

  1. to build the capacity of the 5 partner organisations to promote international solidarity and action between and by young people, so that this work can continue, even after the exchange ends;
  2. to produce changes in unjust policies that are affecting young people;
  3. to contribute to building a global movement of young people working for justice across borders and cultures.


All volunteers will:

  1. attend strategic events – for example large scale youth festivals and summer camps where they can mobilise large numbers of Norwegians to  become globally aware /active
  2. run Training of Trainers so that the leaders being trained can pass on the knowledge and skills to their groups. Topics might include the Occupation of Palestine; how to become a Peacemaker;
  3. help to create resources that can be used to deliver training even after they leave – for example short films; photos; case studies.

In addition volunteers with YWCA-YMCA Haugaland will:

  1. Help the region to raise awareness on global issues for justice and peace, and how to respond to them, in all its activities with children and teenagers and young people
  2. Visit local youth and children groups, helping them to take part in our global Y  movement for example  through the Stop Poverty Campaign.
  3. Help with the day to day tasks of local program activities and at the community center for young people (Forandringshuset Haugesund)

In addition volunteers with YWCA-YMCA Global will:

  1. Help to promote the conference “Youth Participate  and Youth Decide towards Freedom and Justice”  in Palestine  in October
  2. Help with the day to day tasks of the exchange team
  3. Help with the day to day tasks of a community centre for young people (Forandringshuset)

What EVS offers volutneers:

  1. Chance to learn Norwegian
  2. inter-cultural understanding
  3. understanding of the social, economic and political realities of young people in other countries
  4. the skills to show solidarity in practical ways, eg training of trainers, engaging in campaigns, communications work
  5. leadership skills
  6. ability to take initiative and think independently
  7. problem solving skills
  8. improved self confidence
  9. new knowledge on the root causes of injustice (eg poverty, occupation) and how fairer policies can address the problem
  10. how to run a youth led campaign
  11. how to work internationally

We are looking for volunteers who:

  1. Have respect for other cultures
  2. Have very good communication skills
  3. Can speak / write very good English
  4. Are committed to working for justice and peace
  5. Are motivated to learn new skills
  6. Are aged 18-30
  7. Experience in youth work / delivering training and or campaigning is an advantage

The volunteers will have transport cost reimbursement, accomodation provided by host organisation and monthly food allowance  and pocket money according with Program guidelines.

The EVS service in Oslo is 12 months, starting May 2019 and ending April 2020.


Please send your CV and motivation letter specific for this project at office@ymca.ro till 28 February 2019.

Project funded by:

February 8th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Events, Press release, Projects|