28 05, 2020

YMCA solicită politici urgente pentru tineri și sectorul de tineret

May 28th, 2020|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

1.Cum afectează COVID-19 tinerii din întreaga lume COVID-19 afectează în prezent aproape toate țările de pe glob, afectând considerabil sistemele de sănătate și economiile mondiale, în același timp sporind inegalitatea,  într-un ritm fără precedent. Pe măsură ce multe țări se apropie acum de sfârșitul primei etape a crizei, începem să vedem mai clar efectele sale [...]

25 05, 2020

YMCA calls for urgent safety net policies for young people worldwide

May 25th, 2020|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

How is COVID-19 affecting young people globally COVID-19 is now affecting almost all nations on Earth, wreaking havoc on health systems and economies worldwide while deepening inequality at an unprecedented rate. As many countries are now approaching the end of the phase of the crisis we also start seeing more clearly its economic effects, which [...]

20 05, 2020


May 20th, 2020|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

YMCA Europe, European YWCA, WOSM, WAGGGS and The Duke of Edinburgh International Award Foundation are sending a message to European institutions to advocate on behalf of all young people regarding how the CoVid-19 crisis will impact on their lives. Our Message to European Institutions We are living in extraordinary times: never before have we faced [...]

13 05, 2020

Unfolding in Neverland – Raluca`s testimonial from her voluntary service at Olde Vechte Foundation

May 13th, 2020|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Raluca Birle began her volunteering service at Olde Vechte, Nederland, in late September 2019. "After I surrendered to the uncertainty and freedom of that essence, I was free from the depth of my soul and I was available to connect" After her  induction period, she was taking care of the website of the association, create [...]

4 05, 2020

Voluntariat in Oslo in vremea pandemiei de COVID 19- Brandusa Rotaru

May 4th, 2020|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Colega noastra, Brandusa Rotaru, si-a inceput stagiul de voluntariat in Programul Erasmus Plus in iunie 2019, in Oslo, la Y Global- YWCA-YMCA Norvegia. Organizatia noastra are un parteneriat strategic cu Y Global inca din 2015, anual ei gazduind 1 sau 2  tineri romani care sunt implicati in activitatile si programele lor. Proiectul Bradusei are in [...]