Mental health is a worldwide taboo. This difficulty to talk about our mental problems can cause them to grow bigger in our heads. Lack of perspective of our problems can make them look like something so big that we can never overcome it and eventually be a big obstacle to our personal relationships and even ability to work. To be mentally healthy means that you are able to mantain relationships, are able to learn and get through your regular life.

During these times in which we had to face really hard obstacles, as COVID-19 restrictions, this topic became inscreasingly urgent. Connecting with other and sharing our reactions to this sictuation might be just what we need.

With this in mind, our interantional volunteers were with the kids from Vasile Lucaciu Highschool of Baia Mare today to share their own experiences with their personal quarantines and to ask the students about their experiences too. They talked about how we feel during these times, what strategies to use when you feel bad and how to accept the situation or even overcome it and use it in your favour. They truly enjoyed hearing different perspectives on this theme and hope their way of seeing things was also helpfull for the students. In the end, everyone played a Kahoot! game to review some of the topics that were approached in the workshop and also to introduce some fun curiosities about this theme!