The AlwaysON for Youth Consortium – Digital Youth Work Community of Learning is inviting all youth work professionals from all over Europe to an inspirational online workshop about building a conference in digital youth work with Dana Jupp as guest speaker on 17th November 2021 starting at 4 pm GMT / 5 pm CET / 6 pm EET.

You will have an opportunity to learn from one of the most experienced digital youth work experts – Ms Dana Jupp from Scotland, UK. She is a qualified community educator with an extensive background in youth work, youth participation, teen librarianship using youth work approaches, youth volunteering, and volunteer management. 

Understanding the role digitalism plays in your personal and professional life improves how you support your young people whether you consider yourself a novice or expert. Confront the ‘fear of not knowing’ and boost your understanding of and confidence in using digital devices/platforms in your practice. Join us to get to know the YOU in digital YOUth work. 

The online ZOOM event – Confidence Boost in Digital Youth Work with Dana Jupp – will provide the opportunity to explore the importance of youth workers, digital practice, and ethics. 

Ms Dana  Jupp’s workshop will widely open the topic of  digital practice. Considering that digital competences in many contexts are crucial in building practitioners’ confidence in developing youth work opportunities. She will highlight key practical situations, including connections with young people in digital spaces to get you thinking about the ‘bigger picture’ and to leave you considering the potential power of digital youth work.

More about Ms Dana Jupp:

Recognised as a digital youth work expert, Dana is a qualified community educator with an extensive background in youth work, youth participation, and youth volunteering. She’s passionate about exploring and understanding the influence of technology in contemporary  youth work and on nature and is always eager to speak with youth workers and/or workers using youth work approaches in their practice about digital youth work.

Dana works with youth work organisations to deliver training, help develop digital provision and provide support for digital youth work. More info available here:

She also runs the largest online community for digital youth work: 800+ member Facebook group called ‘Digital Youth Work – Youth Work Done Digitally‘.

The Digital Youth Work Community of Learning  is a component of the  “#AlwaysOn for Youth” Strategic Partnership for Youth project by Federatia Young Men’s Christian Associations România (YMCA România), as coordinator and Young Initiative Association (AYI), Sdrujenie “Nadejda-CRD” – Bulgaria (NCRD), The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service – France (CCIVS ) and the Alliance Europeenne des YMCA – Belgium (YMCA Europe), as partners. The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus Plus program.

Registration link:



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