Sharing the same believing, we will give a start of the Digital Youth Work Community of Learning – a European network of dedicated youth workers willing to learn more about digital youth work, digital safety and inclusion.

We invited more than 120 youth workers from all over Europe and all over the world who are developing their digital youth work and digital inclusion skills.

The start will be on 15 July 2021 on the World Youth Skills Day, which focuses on the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship.

The Community will offer:

  • exchange of fresh knowledge about the emerging trends and needs of young people, including the newest trends such as social media dependence, deepfakes, digital inclusion safety, privacy etc;
  • the opportunity to better understand “what works” and what doesn’t when it comes to the expectations around digital inclusion and youth work, and to apply and transfer this knowledge in your own organisational or community practices;
  • people will become involved in an innovative and ultimate opportunities to creation of a research “Shaping Digital Inclusion and Safety in a Post Pandemic World”, MOOC course on Digital Inclusion and Safety ; in creative and design thinking processes, testing and feedback on the gamification tools created during  the project.

The Digital Youth Work Community of Learning  is created inside the  “#AlwaysOn for Youth” Strategic Partnership for Youth project by Federația Young Men’s Christian Associations România (YMCA România), as coordinator and Young Initiative Association (AYI), Sdrujenie “Nadejda-CRD” – Bulgaria (NCRD), The Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service – France (CCIVS ) and the Alliance Europeenne des YMCA – Belgium (YMCA Europe), as partners. The project is co-funded by the European Union through the Erasmus + Program.