What: a virtual non-formal laboratory dedicated to youth workers and young people from Europe
Why: to discuss the main findings of the draft research elaborated within the #AlwaysON for youth Erasmus+ project (more details here: https://www.ymcaeurope. com/alwayson-for-youth)
When: 28 March 2022, starting from 5 PM CET
Where: online (Zoom)
How: by filling in this form (https://forms.gle/ kJxuZTeGQDwMtZti8)
We started in June 2021 to research digital youth work, digital inclusion, digital safety and digital well being among European youth workers and young people. The first step of our process was to identify references related to these subjects and to see what kind of understanding was attributed in different official and informal settings.
Next, we developed a series of research methods for conducting interviews with youth workers and young people. By the end of the year, we managed to gather almost 120 interviews and to see how young people and youth workers relate themselves to digital safety, digital well being and digital inclusion. Through our questions we aimed to identify the changes that occured in digital youth work once the pandemic affected the work of non-governmental organisations and the lives of young people.
The next step we took was to launch a public survey that registered more than 300 answers. With this method, we gathered data about how young people and youth workers feel about their time spent online, the impact of the pandemic on their life and how they perceive various trends and new technologies that are gaining traction.
The last part of our analytical process is to discuss the draft research and to gather input from the participants attending the non-formal virtual laboratory. Therefore, if you are a youth worker or a young person, we would be thrilled to have your point of view during the event organised on 28.
Please register here: https://forms.gle/ kJxuZTeGQDwMtZti8.

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