30 03, 2023

In Connection-Youth exchange in Ommen, the Netherlands- Call for participants and group leader!

March 30th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Are you looking for your ultimate summer learning opportunity? Do you like outdoor activities and would you like to learn how to cooperate with others more efficiently? Would you like to discover alternative learning environments? In Connection is all about exploring simple ways on how to work together with others while creating a common living [...]

15 03, 2023

Campacity- A Capacity building through camps event-Testimonials

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Between the 26th of February and the 5th of March, our team had the pleasure to participate in the Campacity - Europe and USA Camp Conference 2023. Our staff and leaders from YMCA Romania National Office, YMCA Baia Mare and YMCA Cavnic together with YMCA Ukraine, Georgia, Nederland, Slovakia, Spain were hosted by the team [...]

15 03, 2023

Call for YMCA Summer Camps volunteers!

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We launch the YMCA volunteer camp training so REGISTER NOW! The deadline is until 22 March. In 2023 we’re doing things differently, so if you want to find out and get involved, complete the form in the link and join the YMCA team for an amazing summer! Bring yourself and bring your friends to the [...]