26 06, 2023

Welcome to the International Overnight Camp HarmonY 2nd edition 2023!

June 26th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We are happy to announce that Camp HarmonY 2nd edition will take place between 14-19 August 2023 in Ungureni village, Maramures county, Romania! Since this is an international camp bringing 3 countries together we decided in 2022 to brand this camp as “HarmonY”. We chose this name because it’s an important word for us and [...]

19 06, 2023

Sounds & Voices of the Exodus- Youth Exchange in San Giorgio del Sannio & Fragneto Monforte, Italy- Call for participants and Group Leader

June 19th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

"Sounds & Voices of the Exodus" expresses the willingness of the project partnership to get to know and explore cultures, knowledge and migration realities of the participating countries & people representing respectively Germany, Italy, the Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain & Turkey. The youth exchange is organised by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, co-financed [...]

10 06, 2023


June 10th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Youth workers, teachers, organizations working with young people and youth, Check out the new platform www.youthwork.digital created by the #AlwaysOn for Youth Consortium in a period of 2 years to help you navigate through digital safety, digital wellbeing, digital inclusion. Within the ”AlwaysON for Youth” Erasmus+ project we created a series of tools to support [...]

6 06, 2023

Inspire2gether: University & College YMCA 20th Anniversary International Youth Conference 2023 – 21-24 July, Hong Kong

June 6th, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

We would like to share  a great opportunity, the International Youth Conference 2023 - Inspire2gether: Community Wellbeing in Post-pandemic Era, organized  by University & College YMCA, Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong and will be held from 21 to 24 July 2023 in Hong Kong. The conference aims to gather youth delegates from local and overseas [...]

1 06, 2023

AlwaysON for Youth – eveniment de multiplicare în Baia Mare

June 1st, 2023|Categories: Events, Press release, Projects|

Federația YMCA România vă invită la evenimentul de multiplicare din cadrul proiectului de parteneriat strategic AlwaysON for Youth care va avea loc luni, 12 iunie 2023, între orele 13-18 în Piața Millennium, clădirea M1, Baia Mare. În cadrul acestui eveniment destinat lucrătorilor de tineret, profesorilor,  tinerilor și organizațiilor care lucreză cu tinerii vom disemina rezultatele [...]