It’s been seven months since the eDu Hub Employment Support program, funded by YMCA Europe, through Accenture, started and we are very happy to see the great impact it had for our Ukrainian refugee community.
We would like to thank Raisa, our Ukrainian colleague, for being forever present and providing professional certified psychological help to the Ukrainian community, serving around 130 people. First we make sure the spirit is alright, then we focus on how to help people live sustainably.
More than 280 people who accessed the eDu Hub Employment Support, have benefited from the program through the entire process of employment: creating a CV, building language skills, profiling, finding vacancies, visiting the employers, interview phase, contracting and follow up.
During these months we were visited by AJOFM Employment Agency coordinator Oana Osan, who helped us with information related to work/statutory rights for employees. Together, with the Agency we organized Accredited Romanian Language classes which helped 33 people become certified in Romanian language at beginner level.
We also had a Job Cafe event, where local businesses from Baia Mare came, with curiosity in mind, to meet the Ukrainian rights holders in our program, to connect and build trust. For this reason the YMCA Team would like to send a Massive thank you to all partners- AJOFM Employment Agency and companies that were part of this process ( Athore Delite, Casa Crisan Restaurant, Cobo Spa, Magnolia, House Keeping, Aramis Invest ).
Here’s one of the many feedbacks we got from the people we serve:
“You are great and you are doing a really good thing, thank you very much for helping me with job searching, I feel very lucky that I have met you thank you”. Pavel Demidov.
Thank you YMCA Europe, through the Accenture Foundation, for having faith in us and showing support so that we could provide the necessary help to nurture development, sustainability and integration.
“YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is a YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation.”
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