“Sounds & Voices of the Exodus” expresses the willingness of the project partnership to get to know and explore cultures, knowledge and migration realities of the participating countries & people representing respectively Germany, Italy, the Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain & Turkey. The youth exchange is organised by YMCA Parthenope ONLUS, co-financed by the ERASMUS+ Programme.
The specific themes of this youth exchange are:
1) “Creativity, arts and culture”
2) “Preventing racism and discrimination”
3) “Human rights and rule of law ”.
1. Take care of participants through workshops of art & culture.
2. Break stereo-types and shed light on the participating countries & people.
3. Offer participants the opportunity to prepare, lead and evaluate group activities also while keeping in mind potential work occupations.
4. Inform participants about further opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ Sub-Programmes: YOUTH (intercultural exchanges, volunteering, training courses), VETvocational working training abroad; UNIVERSITY study abroad.
5. Spread healthy values such diversity, brotherhood, inclusion, sharing, well-being.
6. Promote non formal education, very functional for youth activation.
7. Invest in the follow-up activities brainstormed and structured by participants.
Who can participate:
The project “Sounds & Voices of the Exodus!” is an intercultural youth exchange involving 40 young people, 8 group leaders and 1 coordinator from Germany, Italy, the Republic of North Macedonia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey.
They can be young people, aged 18-25 years old following or not following a formal study path, above all, loving the informal artistic learning typical of youth associations and the intercultural workshops organized by them.
Advance Planning Visit: 31st August – 3rd September 2023 (1 group leader per organization)
Intercultural Youth Exchange: 6th – 17th October 2023(1 leader+ 5 participants per organization).
Participants are required to be involved in at least the 90% of the program in order to benefit from the Erasmus+ Programme financial contribution.
Where: The project will take place and we will sleep in the town of San Giorgio del Sannio (BN) at “Convento Francescano SS. Annunziata”
The financial conditions: Food, accommodation and project costs are fully covered and free for the participants. As for the travel, the Erasmus+ program makes reimbursements according to distance. It is officially up to € 275 (maximum) per person coming from Romania. It can be raised up to € 320 if it applies under the Green travel approach which we strongly advise to adopt!
Info-pack: Here
Application form: Here
Deadline: 3rd of July 2023
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