11 04, 2022

Empowering Summercamp Youth Leaders training, 22-29th May

April 11th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

  Empowering Summer Camp Youth Leaders (ESYL for short) is a short training course, hosted by YMCA Nederland, to strengthen the YMCA summer camp work in Europe. The training course takes place from 25 – 29 of May, and is located on one of the national camp sites of YMCA Nederland in Leusden, in the [...]

14 06, 2021

Over the (H)edge project in Netherlands

June 14th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Over the (H)edge is all about exploring simple ways on how to work together with others, creating a common living space and designing various games outside in nature. The idea of the project is to create a playful environment in which you will be encouraged to explore your own capabilities, to put your values into [...]

1 04, 2021

April 1st, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

We are especially pleased to announce that today is the official date to embark on a 2-year journey for the Erasmus Plus - EU-funded #AlwaysON For Youth strategic partnership! The consortium YMCA Romania, YMCA Europe, Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service - CCIVS, Asociatia Young Initiative, Сдружение "Надежда-ЦРД" / Nadejda-CRD Sdrujenie will work to increase the [...]

10 03, 2021

Firiza Neighborhood Activities

March 10th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

Our international volunteers from the "Building Stronger Communities" project have started going to Firiza on Tuesdays to make activities with the kids after school in collaboration with Mansio Association. Last week we went there to play with a big colorful parachute. There is a lot of fun you can have with this! With a ball, [...]

17 02, 2021

The new vlog is out!

February 17th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

The new vlog about these past months of December and January just came out! It puts one more small piece of the puzzle together, showing the story of two more of the eleven months that our international volunteers are spending here in the Building Stronger Communities project. December and January were sliced in half by [...]

16 04, 2020

Convocator pentru Adunarea Generala Extraordinara a Federatiei YMCA Romania – mai 2020

April 16th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

În atenția organizațiilor membre: YMCA Baia Mare, YMCA Valahia, YMCA Universitaria, YMCA Oradea, YMCA Rozavlea, YMCA Sacel, Student Plus Timisoara, YMCA Cavnic, YMCA Dobrogea, YMCA Iasi,  Asociatia Young Initiative și a membrilor Consiliului Director: Dan Carpov, Lucian Ciorba, Răzvan Sassu, Antonio Nyerjak, Carmen Făgădar În conformitate cu prevederile art. 18-20 coroborate cu art. 21 din [...]

1 10, 2019

Conferinta de inchidere a proiectului ” Standarde și politici publice sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România”

October 1st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Federația Young Men’s Christian Associations România (YMCA România), Asociația Young Initiative (AYI) și Centrul pentru Dezvoltare Comunitară Durabilă (CDCD) organizează în data de 3 octombrie 2019, conferința de închidere a proiectului “Standarde și politici publice sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România”. Evenimentul va avea loc, începând cu ora 15:00, la Millennium Business Center M2, [...]

10 08, 2019

The end

August 10th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

My project comes to an end already 11 months in 2 weeks I return to France. Whaou what an experience it will have been to live and work here at Baia Mare in Romania within Ymca. I do not regret my initial choice, because this experience will have enriched me personally, professionally, culturally... I leave [...]

1 07, 2019

Thank youuuu

July 1st, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Today with this article I wanted to thank my association YMCA (Alina, Roxie, Anastasia, all volunteers ...) but also my roommates (Alejandro, Olatz), all my friends from all over Europe (Babette, Alexandra, Tania, Federico, Theo, Erkan, Hugo, Paul, Mickaela, Adrian....."i'm sorry i too much name to put all but you know you are in"), my [...]

27 05, 2019

My personal project.

May 27th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

In 3 months everything will finish, this work, these friends, this routine, this city... and little by little we can resent that, by the activities in schools ends in 3 weeks, other volunteers who leave one after the others with hard goodbye. But 3 months still filled by other activities, other project and the realization [...]