
Protectia Datelor Personale

Federatia YMCA Romania se obliga sa protejeze si sa respecte datele personale ale fiecarui membru, beneficiar si partener al nostru,  asigurandu-ne că acestia stiu oricand ce date avem, cum le procesam si ce drepturi au asupra lor.

Colectarea datelor

Organizatia noastra proceseaza, in general, date personale in urmatoarele situatii: formulare de inscriere la proiecte/activitati, formulare de inscriere ca voluntar sau pentru angajare, date de contact pentru newsletter si comunicari/invitatii/noutati.Datele procesate cuprind, de regula: date de contact, nume, raspunsuri la intrebari care ne ajuta sa realizam selectia participantilor conform profilului dorit in proiect/activitate.

Folosim serviciul Google Analytics pentru a putea evalua traficul de pe site-ul  noastru, fara insă a putea identifica personal vizitatorii. Acesta analizeaza la nivel colectiv informatii precum: timpul petrecut pe site, paginile cele mai vizitate, etc.

Obtinerea datelor

Procesam direct numai date pe care tu ni le transmiți (de exemplu, printr-un formular de înscriere) și exclusiv cu acordul tău (exprimat expres, prin bifarea unor casute prin care iti exprimi acordul).

Inainte de a colecta orice fel de date personale, te informam si iti cerem acordul. Nu colectam datele tale de la terte parti, nu cumparam datele tale si nici nu le vindem.

Colectarea datelor trebuie să aibă întotdeauna o bază legală. Astfel, noi colectăm datele tale in baza: acordului exprimat de tine, realizarea misiunii organizatiei (adică într-un interes legitim), obligatii legale sau contractuale.

Stocarea datelor

Pentru stocarea datelor tale folosim următoarele servicii: Google Apps / Drive, Dropbox. Datele tale sunt in cloud si ne asigurăm ca acestea sunt protejate la nivele inalte de securitate. De exemplu, Dropbox foloseste criptarea fisierelor la un nivel de securitate bancara.

Stocarea datelor tale se face strict in scopul pentru care ne-ai dat acordul sa colectam informatiile, iar accesul la acestea este oferit doar catre persoanele care au sarcini directe in atingerea acelui scop;

Pe suport hartie stocam date strict atunci cand acest lucru este obligatoriu sau strict necesar. De exemplu, pentru contabilitate în cazul unui decont pe care ti l-am făcut pentru transport; contracte de voluntariat, de munca, prestari servicii, conform legislatiei in vigoare; in alte cazuri in care trebuie sa printam pe suport hartie anumite date stocate online, acestea sunt folosite pentru o perioada foarte scurta de timp, strict in scopul amintit si ulterior distruse (de exemplu, printarea unui formular de inscriere ca voluntar pentru un interviu de selectie)

Site-uri ale unor terte parti

Din cand in cand, acest site poate include si link-uri catre alte site-uri web. Aceste linkuri sunt furnizate pentru a va oferi informatii suplimentare. Aceasta politica se aplica numai in cazul acestui site, prin urmare, daca urmati un link catre un site terta parte, asigurati-va ca cititi politica de confidentialitate de pe acel site.

Drepturile tale

Poti sa ne soliciti sa iti actualizam datele sau sa le portam, in funcție de caz. In timp, toate aceste lucruri se vor putea intampla in mod automat online.

Ne poti solicita sa iti spunem ce date personale detinem in acest moment despre tine. Te poti astepta sa avem strict datele pe care chiar tu ni le-ai furnizat, de exemplu prin completarea unui formular de inscriere;

Ai dreptul sa soliciti stergerea si distrugerea datelor personale pe care le avem despre tine. Totusi, in anumite cazuri aceasta solicitare poate insemna si retragerea dintr-o anumita activitate, proiect.


Consecventi valorilor organizatiei noastre – grija, respect, onestitate, responsabilitate , credinta – in scopul indeplinirii misiunii noastre :

  1. ne obligam sa iti protejam datele personale si sa le folosim strict in scopul pentru care ni le-ai incredintat;
  2. ne angajam respectam regulamentul GDPR al Uniunii Europene, folosind exclusiv servicii de colectare/stocare/procesare date care respecta legislatia europeana;
  3. nu vom transfera datele tale in alte tari care nu asigura un nivel de protectie adevat, nu le vom vinde sau transfera fara acordul tau catre o alta organizatie sau entitate de orice fel, nu le vom folos in scopuri ilegitime sau pentru care nu ne-ai oferit acordul.



YMCA Romania Federation is committed to protecting and respecting the personal data of each member, beneficiary, and partner, ensuring that they know at any time what data we have, how we process them and what rights they have.

Data collection

Our organization generally processes personal data in the following situations: enrollment forms for projects / activities, enrollment forms as a volunteer or for employment, newsletter contacts and communications / invitations / news. Processed data typically includes: data contact, names, answers to questions that help us to select the participants according to the desired profile in the project / activity.

We use the Google Analytics service to evaluate the traffic on our site without personally identifying visitors. It analyzes collectively information such as: time spent on the site, most visited pages, etc.

Getting the data

We process only the data you transmit to us (for example, through an application form) and only with your consent ( ticking boxes to express your consent).

Before collecting any personal data, we will inform you and ask for your consent. We do not collect your data from third parties, we do not buy your data or sell it.

Data collection must always have a legal basis. Thus, we collect your data based on: the agreement you have expressed, for the achievement of the organization’s mission ( a legitimate interest), legal or contractual obligations.

Data storage

To store your data, we use the following services: Google Apps / Drive, Dropbox. Your data is in the cloud and we ensure that it is protected from high security levels. For example, Dropbox uses file encryption at a banking security level.
Storing your data is strictly for the purpose for which you have given us the consent to collect the information, and access to it is provided only to those who have direct tasks in achieving that purpose;
On paper we store data strictly when it is mandatory or strictly necessary. For example, for accounting in the case of a reimbursement made for you; volunteer contracts, employment ones, service provision, according to the legislation in force; in other cases where we need to print on a paper basis certain data stored online, they are used for a very short period of time strictly for the purpose of recall and subsequently destroyed (eg printing a volunteer registration form for a selection interview )

Sites of third parties

From time to time, this site may also include links to other websites. These links are provided to provide additional information. This policy applies only to this site, so if you follow a link to a third party site, be sure to read the privacy policy on that site.

Your rights

You may ask us to update your data or to export/send it, as the case may be. Over time, all of these things can happen automatically online.
You can ask us to tell you what personal data we currently have about you. You can expect to have strictly the data you have provided us, for example by filling out an application form.
You have the right to request the deletion and destruction of the personal data we have about you. However, in some cases this request may also mean withdrawal from a particular project or activity.
Consistent with the values ​​of our organization – care, respect, honesty, responsibility, faith – in order to fulfill our mission:
we commit  to protect your personal data and use it strictly for the purpose for which you have entrusted us;
– we commit ourselves to complying with the European Union GDPR Regulation, using only data collection/ storage/processing services that comply with European legislation;
– we will not transfer your data to other countries that do not provide a high level of protection, we will not sell or transfer it without your consent to another organization or entity of any kind, we will not use it for illegal purposes or for which we do not have your agreement.

Reguli pentru protectia datelor personale in Uniunea Europeana si in afara ei/Rules for personal data protectia inside and outside European Union:


Pentru orice informatii ne puteti contactata la/For any informations please contact: office@ymca.ro