15 01, 2019

YMCA 175

January 15th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Who is YMCA175 for? Aimed at 16 to 35 year old young leaders from around the world, the programme will provide opportunities for all delegates to engage, with the event open to all young people, young at heart, and adults at every level of YMCA, including staff and volunteers past and present. YMCA175 will connect [...]

11 01, 2019

“I knew for sure that I wanted to dedicate my life to working in an organization which is built on the principle of changing the world.” – Irina Georgiana Stroia, an EVSer in Norway YMCA

January 11th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

Irina Georgiana Stroia, is 29 years old and  she´s from Romania. She has a degree in International Environmental and a master level in Energy Law. She decided to change a little bit the way how to live and to see her life so since mid-May 2018 she´s in Norway doing volunteering in an organization called [...]

7 01, 2019

Finished the holidays 😃

January 7th, 2019|Categories: Uncategorized|

These last two weeks have been very emotional for me. I went back to France for one week for Christmas. It allowed me to spend time with my friends and family. Two of my friends then followed me to my return to romania to celebrate the first of the year here in baia mare with [...]

9 12, 2018

The month of December begins.

December 9th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

The month of December begins with this magical Christmas atmosphere. Here again even more because the city is filled with beautiful decorations as I love them, the first snowflakes are falling and receive little chocolates and gifts for the Saint Nicholas of the people around me, gives me a taste of Christmas and filled me [...]

23 11, 2018

Since 2 months in baia mare

November 23rd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

It's been almost 2 months now that i'm in romania. We have to start our mission with the children in schools, foster houses... We also participate in differently events in the city ( flasmob with other volunteers of another associations the event against domestic violence...). Here it's starting to get cold, i put on my [...]

23 11, 2018

Stories in the bonfire III: “Let the children come to me”

November 23rd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

And after the calm, here comes the storm... Something changed this week. The previous week were more or less relaxed: we had the Summit, we started to go to some schools, we organised activities, etc. But this week was an explossion of work. Somedays I had no time even to think. We were going to [...]

31 10, 2018

Stories in the bonfire II: Exodus (on arrival training in Bucharest)

October 31st, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Once upon a time there was an andalusian sheppard... that decided to travel far far away... The last weekend was the mandatory on-arrival training for all the volunteers that came to Romania in the past two months. So,imagine, 75 people from 11 countries and even more cultures, all together in a hotel working together. I [...]

29 10, 2018

Bucharest’s beauty

October 29th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

We have been out on Bucarest for a week. Our On Arrival Training (OAT) has been brilliant. Full of emotion, new knowledge, fun and, mostly, new interesting people with whom we had the opportunity to share our thoughts and our life for a while. We came from 13 different countries, what made this experience incredibly [...]

22 08, 2018

Conferinţa de lansare a proiectului “Standarde și politici sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România”

August 22nd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

Marţi, 4 septembrie 2018, începând cu ora 16.00 se va desfăşura in Baia Mare, Piața Millennium clădirea M2, Conferinţa de lansare a proiectului „Standarde și politici sustenabile în lucrul cu tinerii din România”, proiect cofinanțat din Fondul Social European  prin Programul Operațional Capacitate Administrativă 2014-2020. Sunt invitați să participe reprezentanți din organizații neguvernamentale, autorități și [...]

3 02, 2018

Testimonial Albert Poetzsch -EVS at Olde Vechte Foundation (The Netherlands): A life changing opportunity

February 3rd, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

English: My personal journey at the Olde Vechte Foundation My first encounter with the Olde Vechte Foundation was in October 2016. I came for a Coaching training and fell in love with the place and the energy which surrounds it. The Olde Vechte is mainly a Group accommodation and training centre with 25 volunteers organising [...]